If I'm in Korea, I wouldn't have to burn my midnight oil and study hard for the exams, because apparently I will be accepted to local Universities just for being a very concern citizen who loved the idea of donating blood.
U can't just love, as mere loving wouldn't get you anywhere.
U have to DO it, accomplish it, and COMPLETE it.
Donating blood is not that easy.
I warned you. There's a couple of stages you have to go through, experience and 'endure'.
Well, in my case things started out during the year of Matriculation and technically I have three types of R.M.
The first is a skinny one who has this warm personality; annoying will never crossed your mind.
The second one is a short and not that skinny type but with good big butts and boobs.
Both of them and including me practiced what we call:
But, the third one is obviously something different.
And, the most irritating thing about *tutt* is that *tutt* enjoyed telling people to slim down and damn proud of *tutt* not-to-be-proud-of figure and the fact that *tutt* weighed 40 kg.
Man, that's not healthy, that's anorex darling.
But seriously, *tutt* succeed in making me and the second RM to be conscious about our shape.
Tearing down the wall of my confidence plus the fact that I ate a LOT.
*tutt* just fits well in skinny jeans and I envy *tutt* for that.
And the purpose I went to donate my blood for the first time is to check how much I weigh.
If you're not 45kg and above, just say bubye to blood donation.
OMG! I passed, because I DO weigh a lot.
I've been donating my blood twice and the last one was on Nov 2009.
It then becomes an addiction.
Lately, precise: 6th Oct, the adrenaline rush got me on the first Zone 2 bus and around 5 minutes later I found myself infront of KUO.
Dragging my feet impatiently to the foyer which is the site for blood donation.
As I've mentioned earlier, there were a couple of stages you have to go through before the red blood cells make their entry out of the veins.
First stage:
Yes or No.
Anwered yes or no to every questions such as when's the last time you have sex??
6 months??
I guess its a yes because I had SEX in the City the other day.
Second stage:
1. What blood type are you?
2. How much you weigh?
O, I'm soooo proud to be an O, because they'll be nice to me; they need my O, DUH!
But, the second one could have been a sensitive issue yet it wasn't that sensitive to me.
I'm 53!
Like I expected, the crew didn't have the slightest belief to this fact.
How can a skinny,small,petite and CUTE girl like me could weigh soooo much?
They wonder.
They just wanted me to weigh again.
Third stage:
Blood pressure!
The doctor who was assigned to check my blood pressure is a kind one and of great elegance.
Adik dah makan?
That was the first thing she asked me.
So, she continued checking; and first round my blood pressure was 95.
First round?? Is there another??
Oh,yes! Basically, 95 is normal for me taking into account that my body really is small but it wasn't enough for me to donate my blood as the minimum is set at 110.
Seeing that I'm damn eager and keen to donate my O, she advised me to get some soy drinks and get back after 15 minutes.
And, so, after that I was already in the line waiting for my turn for the next blood pressure check-up.
But, thanks to my bloody blood pressure, I went back home having no chance to proceed the last stage because the second round blood pressure was at 97!